Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Roles and Duties

Role & Duty (Peran dan Tugas) adalah kontribusi yang diberikan seorang pemain dalam mendukung permainan tim secara menyeluruh. Ketika bermain di lapangan, pemain akan menjalankan instruksi dari pelatih, nah instruksi-instruksi digabung menjadi sepaket yang disebut role & duty. Penjelasan lebih lengkapnya dapat dibaca disini. 

Pengertian masing role & duty: 
1. Goalkeeper –Defend 

Centre Backs
2. Sweeper Keeper – Defend/Support/Attack 
3. Ball Playing Defender - Defend/Stopper/Cover 
4. Central Defender - Defend/Stopper/Cover 
5. No-Nonsense Center Back - Defend/Stopper/Cover 
6. Wide Central Defender - Defend/Support/Attack 
7. Libero – Support/Attack
8. No-Nonsense Fullback –Defend

9. Fullback – Defend/Support/Attack
10. Inverted Wingback – Defend/Support/Attack
11. Wingback – Defend/Support/Attack
12. Complete Wingback – Support/Attack

13. Ball Winning Midfielder – Defend/Support
14. Box to Box Midfielder – Defend/Support
15. Deep Lying Playmaker – Defend/Support
16. Defensive Midfielder – Defend/Support
17. Half Back –Support 
18. Regista –Support 
19. Anchorman –Defend 
20. Segundo Volante –Support /Attack
21. Roaming Playmaker –Support 
22. Mezzala – Support /Attack 
23. Carrilero –Support

Advanced Midfielders
24. Attacking Midfielder – Support/Attack 
25. Advance Playmaker –Support/Attack 
26. Trequartista –Attack 
27. Enganche –Support
28. Shadow Striker –Attack 

29. Defensive Winger –Defend?Support
30. Wide Midfielder –Defend/Support/Attack
31. Wide Playmaker –Support/Attack
32. Winger –Support/Attack
33. Inside Forward –Support/Attack
34. Inverted Winger –Support/Attack
35. Wide Target Forward –Support/Attack
36. Raumdeuter –Attack 

37. Deep Lying Forward –Support/Attack 
38. Advance Forward –Attack 
39. Target Man –Support 
40. Target Man-Attack 
41. Poacher –Attack 
42. Complete Forward –Support/Attack
43. Pressing Forward –Defend/Support/Attack
44. False 9 –Support

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